B Göransson Produktion

B Göransson Produktion

B Göransson Produktion AB är en mekanisk verkstad och legotillverkare till företag i en mängd branscher. Med lång erfarenhet inom kapning, kantpressning, svetsning och metallbearbetning utför vi allt från enstyckstillverkning och prototypframtagning till serietillverkning.

Our focus is to develop production-friendly and sustainable products. Whether you have a finished drawing or a simple sketch, we assist you with your design, and we are happy to work closely with clients and designers.

Diverse manufacturing

  • Prototype development
  • Single-piece and mass production
  • Steel c, both large and small
  • Industrial/automation: complete CE-marked machines for various purposes

Sheet metal processing

  • Press brake bending and folding using controlled machines
  • Punching, cutting, and shearing


Welding and cutting

  • Robotic welding and manual welding (MIG/TIG)
  • CNC-controlled cutting with plasma and gas 

Additional services: laser cutting, powder coating, milling, galvanizing, and other processing are included in our services through collaboration with subcontractors.