Press & News

Vimab Group
Vimab Group is in constant motion, improvement and development. Progress and information useful for the press that affects all companies in the Vimab Group - you will find these right here below.
Vimab Group möter Kinas ambassad
Den 4 december träffade Vimab Groups VD Peter Fredell Kinas ambassad för ett givande möte om internationella möjligheter. På plats...
Vimab Group på Rebuild Ukraine-mässan
Intresset för att delta i återuppbyggnaden av Ukraina är påtagligt bland svenska företag, och Vimab Group, närvarande på Rebuild Ukraine-mässan...
Breakthrough order for large-scale battery solution
VIMAB Group AB's (publ) subsidiary, Vimab BESS, has received a breakthrough order for its large-scale battery solution, which ensures a stable power supply for consumers and industry.
VIMAB GROUP AB approved for listing on Nasdaq First North
In connection with the extraordinary general meeting on July 27, 2022, the last steps were taken towards the stock exchange and VIMAB GROUP is now publicly...
Headsent ab (publ) har ingått villkorat avtal om omvänt förvärv av vimab holding ab
IMI Critical Engineering
Vimab AB secures more foreign assignments via collaboration with IMI Critical Engineering. IMI is a leading player in Europe and the world in...
Larslap is investing in a new packing machine in the spring of 2022. This will generate economies of scale in the group and reduced lead times in many...
New websites
Vimab Group launches new websites for all companies in the group!
Clear Industry
Vimab Group's associated company Josab's purchase of the Chinese food recycling company Clear Industry means great business opportunities for Vimab in the Chinese market....
Vimab Group hires a new sales manager
Vimab Group hires new sales manager at group level, Philip Appelsved. Philip comes most recently from WoodEye/Microtec AB where he was responsible for sales...
Our new face
Vimab Group has received a brand new logo and website to front our work in the best way.
Battery plants of the future
Major sales, service and operating investments towards Europe's largest battery facilities.